Baby Chelsea was born on December 14, 2009. She was born at 8:16 am in weighed 7lbs 8oz. She is such a blessing and we are so happy to finally have her here! She made it just in time for Christmas. Mia and Lily have never been more excited!
The girls always want to hold her! As you can see Mom or someone is always close by to make sure they are careful with her.
This was their first time holding her.
This is my all time favorite picture of her!! Isn't she sweet when she is sleeping!! HaHa Actually she is a great baby!
Our dog, Emmi, meeting her for the first time. Emmi is moving lower and lower on that totem pole!!!
Welcome to our Blog! Even though we lead very normal lives we are honored and blessed to be able to share our everyday moments with our loved ones and friends. Trent and I have three beautiful girls, Mia (6 yrs.), Lily (4 yrs.),and Chelsea (1 yr.), wonderful family and friends! Enjoy a small glimpse into our crazy and fun lives!